Your pelvis isn’t out of alignment.
Let it be known: these are red herrings. Misleading distractions we’ve learned to attach too much meaning to. Are they factors? Sure. Are they the ROOT cause of your pain? Absolutely not.
Think about it: not everyone with one of these “diagnoses” is in pain. So, what are we missing?
Compassion fatigue
I can confidently say, as I near 5 years of postgraduate work, that getting the degree didn’t feel nearly as challenging as being the provider.
Googling with wisdom
We’re all human and Google (or maybe ChatGPT and TikTok more recently) has become a subconscious step as we look for answers. Some providers are annoyed by this tendency of our patients but it’s natural and can absolutely work to the benefit of everyone.
Vibes are important: Branding
The branding update comes with a renewed sense of identify, confidence, and strength behind my vision for ROOTS. I can feel it leading my commitment into more courses, workshops and mentorship programs, more books, and more teaching. I might even start a YouTube channel or a podcast, who knows.
Why I don’t stretch (as a hypermobile human)
Tightness, pain, stiffness, aching, etc., is no different - your body is talking to you. Through my tightness, my body is asking me for help stabilizing my joints via as much strength as I can add. What’s yours telling you?
It took me 2 years to recover from my last injury.
Every day people tell me “It’s been x months since my surgery/injury I should be done by now”. Says who? Well, the primary physician usually. Why are those estimates so far off? I’ve got a couple thoughts…
Tissue diagnosis vs. Functional diagnosis
There’s infinite ways to get from point A to point B but if the systemic issues aren’t addressed, you’re not getting anywhere.
Surgery isn’t (necessarily) the answer
But, surgeries don’t just…fix things. The purpose of surgeries is to change some thing(s) anatomically (that you will have to rehabilitate) to improve your chances of a certain goal.
Why I’m Not Changing My Prices This Year
So wait, I’m cutting back my hours and not increasing my rates to cover that difference? Ding, ding, ding - that’s correct.
3 Things I’ve Learned About You…From My Own Injuries
Let me be clear in that no part of me enjoys the frequency of my injuries but they’re a fact of my anatomy. And they’ve taught me a lot, especially as a provider. Here are some of the biggest impacts they’ve had…
When I get it wrong…
But no matter what you make of it, medicine is well educated guess work. It’s guaranteed that sometimes myself (and every other doctor ever) are going to get it wrong.
Rainbow pleasantries
There is an expectation of a personal and professional assessment to identify measurable support within your realm of influence for the community rather than just “cover-your-ass I don’t wanna get cancelled for not supporting gay rights” rainbow flag posts.
Feel it, don’t force it
The hardest patient to treat is the one who doesn’t know how to communicate with their own body.
“How did you heal so fast?”
Healing myself in front of you all might really end up being my greatest advertisement.
A note on professional self-respect.
Benevolence, and my commitment to it, means to do no harm - shouldn’t that also apply to myself?
Are you listening?
Are you listening? Did you even know your body is communicating with you?
2023 Solo Again
Business is business and it makes more sense on multiple fronts to move forwards independently.