2023 Solo Again
This year I’m moving into the start of my 3rd year in business and learning that starting a business is quite simple actually. Easy? No. But simple.
Simple in the sense where you close your eyes and start - leave perfectionism at the door because it has a nasty habit of whispering sweet demotivation in your ear.
Just start, close your eyes, shut up, and ride it out for 2 years.
Over that timeline you make a bunch of game time decisions, investments, and pray to something, anything, that you get the opportunity to keep going. Lucky for me, I’m still here.
2022 came with a couple significant changes: a new office and a new provider.
Birthed out of a half baked dream, I was used to fumbling through a one-woman show at ROOTS so introducing a new provider was a big step. I was excited to expand in what at the time felt like the best next step.
2023 is starting off with another big change: back to working solo.
My former colleague and I sat down at the negotiation table and put our mutual best offers forward. They didn’t line up so we’re moving different directions. Simple.
I can anticipate a at least a couple new and different directions I’ll be taking this year. The first of many is building out a new office and preparing for some new expansions. Stay tuned for what I do with it.
While I didn’t expect this year’s adventures at ROOTS to be solo, I’m nothing but ready for all of them. Dream bigger than your wildest dream, right? Then go bigger.