Why do I do this?

Why do I do this? Trust me, a question I’ve asked myself countless times. A common answer in physical therapy school orientation is “to help people” but that’s pretty vague and (hopefully) a general human desire.

There are much easier (and cheaper) ways to help people.

I do this because I had 3 knee surgeries but am still unsure if any of them were ever necessary.

I do this because I felt so lost and alone in my physical health journey that I got a doctorate in physical therapy to treat myself,

and though I love what I do, you shouldn’t have to be your own doctor.

Because I think it’s silly to live inside of a machine and not understand how it works.

Because I believe providers underestimate a patient’s ability to understand and apply deep anatomical concepts.

Because I want you to have more tools in your toolbox and less reliance on healthcare (and Google) for life’s aches and pains.

Because I want you to know how to prioritize longevity, prevent injuries, and protect function as you age.

Because the internet (and a lot of providers) are full of sh*t and I want you to understand how to sift through it.

Because I want you to have a trusted place to look for direction in the snake pit that healthcare (and Instagram) can be.

Because I want to make you better at being a human, to be better at understanding and responding to your body with each session you attend.

When you know the why (shout-out Simon Sinek), the rest is easy.


Are you listening?


2023 Solo Again